AWPL Health Care Ayurvedic Medicines
Now be remember that the AWPL is manufactured and work in health and Ayurvedic Medicines sector. The AWPL manufactured medicine for Health Care, Home Care, Oral Care, Hair Care, Makeup Mantra Beauty Care, Food Product etc.
Today in this article we going to discuss about the health care products of AWPL and also we give you details brief about health care products and what is the effects of these products, so let's start....
The products of AWPL is follow the purity method that's why all the diseases controls and diagnosed by these ayurvedic medicine.
The AWPL is diagnosed 100% success millions of patient in India and also in Abroad like Thailand, Canada. Now we discuss about the ayurvedic medicine produced by AWPL.
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1. Thunder Blast Ras:
This Thunder Blast Ras is one of the best ayurvedic medicine produced by AWPL. By consuming the Thunderblast Ras diagnosed weakness of mentally and physically, open the blockage of all nerves, best result in paralyse, Increase Sex Power, relief from early discharge, and also prevent from sex weakness, and prevent from nightfall, apart from these it also helps to improve nerves system.
2. Immunodoc:
The Immunodoc is also best ayurvedic medicine of AWPL, it helps to improve immunity of the human body, helps to improve hunger of human, helps in headache, helps in sinus, helps in body weakness, fever, cold, helps in itching, helps in elergy, helps in tuberculosis, helps in Asthma.
For Medicine contact us at - [email protected]
3. Diabodoc:
The Diabodoc is also best ayurvedic medicine of AWPL, it controls diabetes system of the human body, It controls and reduce the glucose quantity from the human body, this medicine controls on diabetes, prevents from body weakness, Produced and increase the insulin into the human body.
4. Obeodoc:
The is the best ayurvedic medicine of AWPL for the person who want to loose weight. This medicine control on the body weight, reduce the cholesterol form the body, reduce fat from the body, and surely the weight you would losses by the use of this medicine it will never increase again.
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5. Orthodoc Ras:
The Orthodoc Ras relief from all body joint pain, back pain, it helps to produce lubricant between two bones joint.
6. Joint Curator Oil:
The Joint Curator Oil is also relief from all body pain, back pain, any kind of wound on human body.
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7. Thyrodoc Ras:
The Thyrodoc Ras is one of the best ayurvedic medicine of the AWPL. Basically this medicine make best lubrication between two bones in human body. It Improve the disestive system, increase the strength of muscle of the body. It very useful in thyroid because it make repair and active thyroid glad and also useful to breathing system of human body.
8. Fevodoc Ras:
The Fevodoc is the ayurvedic medicine which used to relief from typhoid, swain flue, chicken guniya, dengue etc. The Fevodoc is the best ayurvedic medicine of AWPL brand which is increased platelets in blood of human body, and it also used for anti bacterial and anti fungal also.
9. Chlorodoc Ras:
The Chlorodoc ayurvedic medicine is used to increasing the strength of the body, also used for lungs problem, cancer problem, body weakness, sugar, liver problems, heart problems, kidney problems, etc.
For Medicine contact us at - [email protected]
10. Noni Ras:
This Noni Ras is the one of the best ayurvedic medicine of the AWPL. The Noni Ras is used for high blood pressure, migraine, sugar, constipation, loose motion, hair loose, joint pain, skin disease etc. and also useful to increasing the amino acid in the human body.
11. Gynedoc:
The Gynedoc ayurvedic medicine is one of the best product of the AWPL. The Gynedoc is used for all privet disease of woman like- painfull periods, physically and mentally weakness of woman, Veginal Discharge (Safed Pani), Infertility disease (Bache na hona), Lumps in uterus and also balance the harmons system of woman.
For Medicine contact us at - [email protected]
12. Livodoc:
The Livodoc is the best ayurvedic medicine used for liver problems. The Livodoc is used for digestive system, liver swelling, and all disease of liver.
The AWPL (Asclepius Wellness Pvt Ltd) is menufectured many kind of Ayurvedic Medicines for every disease of human body. If you have any health issue so please contact our doctor at :- [email protected]