Strawberry Milkshake Recipe
Description of Strawberry Milkshake:
Hello friends welcome back, now we discuss about the best dessert drink of ever which is Strawberry Milkshake. The Strawberry Milkshake is a simple recipe because it uses few ingredients for preparing this. The ingredients uses for strawberry milkshake is like fresh strawberries, milk and ice cream to bring out good qualities of any shake fresh, creamy and flavorful. If you want to serve best in a bit of time to your guest then this recipe is going to be first choice everyone. So now we going to know about recipe of strawberry milkshake, lets start....
Required items to prepare Strawberry Milkshake:
1. 10-14 fresh or frozen Ripe Strawberries
2. 1 cup Milk
3. 1 cup Ice Cream Vanilla or Strawberry which you like most
4. 2 teaspoon Sugar
Time taken to prepare Strawberry Milkshake:
1. Preparation Time: 10 minutes
2. Serving Quantity for: 4 Person
Procedure to prepare Strawberry Milkshake:
First of all you have to wash the all strawberries and keep them dry. Remove stems and cut into halves. Now add milk, ice cream and halved strawberries in a blender jar along with you can add 2 teaspoon sugar for extra sweetness. Shake or blend mixture until smooth puree.
Now The Strawberry Milkshake is ready to serve, pour it into 4 serving glasses and also you can garnish with strawberry while serving. For kids part Strawberry Milkshake prepared with milk and honey is a best drink for kids.
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